1.1. The Organisation shall be called Milton Keynes Baseball Club (hereinafter called “the Club”).
1.2 The Club shall comprise of the adult programme any future adult teams, as well as any youth or school programmes that may be established in accordance with this constitution in the future.
2. Affiliation
2.1. The Club will be affiliated to the British Baseball Federation (BBF) and any other relevant governing body.
3. Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Club will be:
3.1. To provide appropriate facilities for and promote participation in the sport of baseball across the local community while functioning as an unincorporated association.
3.2. To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in the sport of baseball, in accordance with BBF, BaseballSoftballUK (BSUK), or any other relevant governing body guidelines.
3.3. To provide a transparent and inclusive service that is fair to everyone, by ensuring that all members receive equal treatment and opportunities to play.
3.4. To secure and manage the baseball playing field at Woughton on the Green Playing Fields in Milton Keynes.
4. Membership
4.1. The Club shall consist of the officers and members.
4.2. Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in promoting, coaching, volunteering or participating in baseball, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, social/economic status, religion or other beliefs, or level of ability.
4.3. A person shall be deemed to be a member of the Club after he/she has remitted full or partial payment of his/her annual membership fee to the Club.
4.4. Once membership has been recognised, the membership period will be the year ending on 31 December. Membership will be renewable on an annual basis.
4.5. All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the Club will be deemed to accept these regulations, codes of conduct that the Club has adopted, and the rulings of the Club’s Executive Committee.
5. Membership Fees
5.1. The membership shall consist of the following categories and annual fees:
Adult (18+ years old) - £180 (£160 if one payment or £15 per month via standing order)
Student (16+ years old, or in full-time education) - £60
Rookie Year discount (for persons just learning to play baseball) - £90
5.2. Members in each category will pay membership fees, as determined at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), including amounts or due dates for partial payments. The decision will be based on league registration fees and the Club’s needs. The Executive Committee may offer temporary concessionary fees for unemployed persons or in other exceptional circumstances.
5.3. Individuals shall be eligible to take part in the business of the Club, stand for election, vote at general meetings and be eligible for selection of any team season game, provided that the applicable membership fee has been paid by the due date unless otherwise agreed by the Executive Committee.
5.4. In order to be eligible for team selection and play in a Club game, a member must have paid all of his/her membership fee at least up to the previous month, pro-rata depending on the month in which they join the Club. E.g., to be selected to play in May, you must have paid at least the fees for January – April of that year.
5.5. The so-called “no-pay no-play” rule of paragraph 5.4 applies to all individuals regardless of status in the Club (officers, managers, coaches, volunteers, playing ability, etc.).
6. Executive Committee
6.1. The Executive Committee’s duty is to manage the Club operations in accordance with the constitution, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation and manage the day-to-day functions of the Club. Guidelines will be issued for each position and no payment will be received by the Executive Committee.
6.2. A member may occupy only one Executive Committee position at a time, combinable with one or more non-executive functions for the duration of his/her membership.
6.3. The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees or working groups/teams as required to fulfil Club objectives.
6.4. Executive officers will be elected at the Club’s AGM to serve approximately one financial year, with the exception being the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson who will serve approximately two-year terms, the Chairperson being elected in odd years and Vice Chairperson being elected in even years. Executive officers shall automatically retire at the AGM held in the year of expiry of their term but will be eligible to seek re-election at such AGM.
6.5. In the event of an unexpected vacancy on the Executive Committee, a Club member may be appointed by the Executive Committee to fill said vacancy where it is deemed in the interest of the Club. If the vacancy was of temporary nature, the appointed officer will immediately concede his/her role to the returning officer.
6.6. The Executive Committee will consist of the following officers and duties:
6.6.1. Chairperson: The Chairperson shall be Chair at all meetings and shall be an ex-officio member of any committee or group formed by the Club. The Chairperson shall conduct all meetings in accordance with the constitution, shall have the casting vote at all meetings chaired, shall ensure all officers carry out their duties in accordance with the constitution and generally oversee the management of the Club.
6.6.2. Vice Chairperson: The Vice Chairperson shall, in the absence of the Chairperson, possess all the powers of the Chairperson, and shall in such case act as Chairperson of the Executive Committee. The Vice Chairperson shall also assist the Chairperson from time to time with such duties as the Chairperson may require.
6.6.3. Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain minutes of all club meetings, attend to all correspondence, keep a record of all members and players, pay to the Treasurer all moneys received, keep a record of all attendances at meetings and present a report summarising the previous year’s minutes as part of the Clubs Annual Report.
6.6.4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all moneys, give receipts as required, bank all moneys into the Club's bank accounts, have charge and maintain all proper books of accounts, provide financial reports for meetings of the Club, pay all accounts properly incurred by the Club, and prepare a financial statement to be audited and presented at the AGM.
6.6.5. Team Managers (2): The Team Managers (Bucks and Coyotes) shall liaise with the Head Coach and shall be responsible for Team logistics, including season games and tournaments, team selection, line ups, etc.
6.7. The Executive Committee shall act for all the members in the day-to day running of the Milton Keynes Baseball Club. In furtherance of the Club’s aims and objectives, the Executive Committee shall have the power to:
a) Purchase and sell goods, supplies and equipment to and from third parties and/or members.
b) Receive funds through membership fees, grants, fundraisers and donations.
c) Represent the interests of the Club with respect to other local, national and foreign bodies. d) Perform all such lawful activities as shall further the aims and objectives of the Club.
6.8. The quorum for the transaction of business at Executive Committee meetings may be fixed by the members of the Executive Committee and unless so fixed at any other number it shall be three (3). Note that this quorum will differ for general meetings.
6.9. Every question at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be determined by a majority of the vote of the members present and every voting member having one vote. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
6.10. The interpretation of the Club constitution shall be vested in the Executive Committee, who shall decide all questions relating to the Club, save those specified in or involving an amendment to the constitution and subject to section 14.
6.11. A Committee member shall be dismissed, with immediate effect, on a two-thirds majority vote at Extraordinary General Meeting, or by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
7. Other Club roles
7.1. A Head Coach will be appointed by the Executive Committee and is responsible for providing training sessions and player development throughout the year. The Head Coach will select at least one assistant coach for each team and liaise with managers for best-use-of-player recommendations. In the event of disagreement between a team manager and head/assistant coach regarding team logistics, selection, line ups, etc., the team manager shall have the final decision. The Head Coach will serve approximately one year and shall automatically retire at the end the year but will be eligible for reappointment by the Executive Committee.
7.2. A Communications work group, consisting of 3 to 4 dedicated persons including a social secretary, will be selected and responsible for:
a) Updating and improving the Club’s online presence (website, facebook, twitter, instagram).
b) Marketing operations to raise baseball awareness in the local community.
c) Organising local tournaments and regular taster sessions.
d) Liaising with external associations such as the BBF, BSUK, local council, schools, etc.
e) The Social Secretary will primarily serve to organise team and Club-wide social events.
7.3. As part of on-going development plans, the Club will actively seek and welcome volunteers from the membership and/or the community to support day to day operations (i.e., coaching, stat recording, umpiring, equipment & uniforms, marketing, fund raising, training, sponsorship, recruitment, health & safety, welfare/safeguarding, etc.). Volunteers may choose not to pay membership fees at the expense of their team selection and voting rights.
8. Finance
8.1. The Income and Property of the Club shall be applied solely towards promoting the Club’s objects as set forth in this Constitution.
8.2. Any surplus income or gains are to be reinvested in the Club. Surpluses or assets shall not be distributed to officers, members or third parties.
8.3. Additional expenses non-related to the practice of baseball, and which do not involve all members of the Club, are strictly forbidden, in accordance with paragraph 3.3.
8.4. The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of the Club.
8.5. The financial year of the Club ends on 31 December.
8.6. Proper accounts shall be kept of all sums of money received and paid out by the Club. Accounts are to be kept in a clear format, accessible to all at any time on request.
8.7. An audited statement of accounts to the end of each financial year shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. Any person, other than the Treasurer, who is judged by the Executive Committee to be competent for the purpose, including the Executive Committee itself, or one or more of its members, may audit accounts. The Executive Committee shall recommend approval of the audited accounts to the membership at the AGM. All income and expenditures are open to any member of the Club.
8.8. The funds of the Club shall be lodged at a bank or building society in an account in the name of the Club. All cheques, drafts, etc drawn on these accounts should be signed by two signatories, one of them being the Treasurer and the other being the Vice Chairperson or a person from a list of signatories determined by the Executive Committee.
9. Donations
9.1. The Executive Committee reserves the right to accept, or refuse, donations made in money or materials to the Club.
9.2. The procedure for recording monetary donations will follow that of paragraph 7.8 and falls under the responsibility of the Treasurer.
9.3. Donations made by existing and future members are final and will be accepted on a strictly unconditional basis. In accordance with paragraph 3.3, donors will not be entitled to privileges.
10. Annual General Meeting and Other Meetings
10.1. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club shall be held once every year during the month of January, or at another suitable time. The annual report for the previous season of the Executive Committee and the statement of accounts up to the end of the financial year shall be presented.
10.2. Not less than 14 (fourteen) days’ notice of the time and venue of the AGM shall be given to all members by the Secretary. The internet will be the medium of choice for such notice. The Secretary will have previously surveyed member availability to maximise attendance.
10.3. The AGM shall: Elect officers of the Club for the coming years as applicable. Approve the minutes of the previous year’s AGM. Receive reports from the Chairman and Secretary. Receive a report from the Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts. Receive a report from those responsible for certifying the Club’s accounts. Agree the membership fees for the following year. Consider any proposed changes to the Constitution. Deal with other relevant business.
10.4. The Secretary may receive nominations for officers at any time, including during the AGM. Nominations can only be accepted from persons eligible to vote at the AGM. Nominations are ratified only in the presence of and with permission from the nominee.
10.5. The Executive Committee shall determine the dates of the general meetings and of the Executive Committee meetings. In addition, the Chairman may call a meeting when he/she considers it necessary or desirable, or upon the written request of two members of the Executive Committee.
10.6. All members are entitled to vote at general meetings of the Club and have equal voting rights. Page 6 of 12
10.7. An AGM shall be quorate if the number of present and voting members is at least 25% (twenty five percent), rounded down, of the total number of members who are eligible to vote. In the event that less than 25% (twenty five percent) of Club members attend, the AGM will be rescheduled to a new date allowing for better attendance.
10.8. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by an application in writing to the Secretary signed by no less than 20% (twenty percent) of the voting membership. The application shall state the proposal or proposals to be discussed at the EGM. The Executive Committee shall have the power to call an EGM by decision of a simple majority of its members. Seven days (7) notice of the EGM shall be given by the Secretary to all members.
11. Executive Committee Meetings
11.1. Any Club member is entitled to attend Executive Committee Meetings (ECM) as an observer. Non-executive attendees may not speak unless invited to by a member of the Executive Committee.
11.2. There should be a minimum quorum of three (3) officers at an Executive Committee Meeting.
11.3. Motions at an Executive Committee Meeting will be passed by a simple majority vote and recorded by a designated officer in the absence of the Secretary.
11.4. Executive Committee meetings will be convened by the Secretary of the Club and be held no less than four (4) times per year.
12. Voting Procedures
12.1. Each member is entitled to one vote.
12.2. A motion shall be carried by a simple majority of those present and voting, except when the motion is a constitutional amendment which shall require a two-thirds majority.
12.3. The Club chairman shall have a casting vote, that is, an additional vote to decide an issue when the votes on each side are equal.
12.4. With the exception of voting on constitutional amendments or matters related to the election of Executive Committee Members, the internet shall be a suitable medium for organising voting at the Annual General Meeting or other general meetings of the Club and such online voting and/or elections can take place before, during or after such general meeting, provided that all members are given the appropriate 14-day notice to cast their vote. Such online voting system must ensure that voting results are accurate, verifiable and that voters’ confidentiality is maintained.
12.5. Members and officers who have an overdue balance payable to the Club, and who have made no arrangement for meeting this debt shall not be eligible to vote at an AGM, EGM or other meeting of the members of the Club. The Club treasurer and Secretary will be responsible for enforcing this policy.
13. Property and Staff
13.1. Responsibility for all property owned or leased by the Club rests with the Executive Committee acting on behalf of the full membership.
13.2. Any person appointed to fulfil a specified role for the Club who does not sit on the Executive Committee shall report to the Executive Committee.
13.3. Members of the Executive Committee will not receive stipends from funds.
14. Discipline and Appeals
14.1. The Executive Committee, or a disciplinary committee consisting of no fewer than three (3) Executive Committee members, shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action against any member and shall have authority to terminate the membership of any member guilty of conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute.
14.2. Members of the Club have the right of appeal to an appeals committee. An appeal should be made within fourteen (14) days of the written notification of the disciplinary action.
14.3. The appeals committee shall be convened, and it shall affirm, vary or rescind any action decided by the disciplinary committee, within fourteen (14) days of the written notification of such an appeal. Such appeals committee shall consist of no fewer than three (3) members which shall be drawn from Executive Committee members who have not served on the disciplinary committee. In the absence of a sufficient number of eligible Executive Committee members, appeals committee members shall be selected among the Club members who aren’t directly involved in the grievance.
14.4. Anyone refused membership of the Club shall be entitled to a right of appeal, where the provisions of this section 14 shall apply. Any appeal of this nature should be considered within 14 (fourteen) days of it being received by the Executive Committee.
15. Dissolution Procedures
15.1. In the event of the Club ceasing to exist, and following the discharge of all debts and liabilities, any assets at the time of the dissolution shall be distributed in accordance with paragraph 13.3. No member shall obtain any asset from the Club.
15.2. The Club may be wound up on a resolution of the members, passed by a two-thirds majority at a special meeting convened for that purpose upon the request of 25% (twenty-five percent) of its active members. At least 28 (twenty-eight) days notice of the meeting shall have been sent to all members of the Club. Should there not be quorum at such a meeting, it shall be in the power of those present to wind up the Club, requiring a two-thirds majority.
15.3. In the event of the passing of the resolution to wind up the Club, the members shall appoint a representative committee which shall be empowered to distribute assets, including cash and investment in hand, for any of the following approved sporting or charitable purposes:
15.3.1. The purposes of our sport’s governing body for use in related community sport,
15.3.2. The purposes of another club registered with the Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) Scheme,
15.3.3. The purposes of a registered charity.
16. Review of the Constitution
16.1. This constitution shall be open to review at any time.
16.2. Amendments to the constitution shall only be voted at an AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the membership.
16.3. Additions to, or alterations of the constitution should be submitted to the Secretary prior to the date of the meeting, however, amendments to the constitution may be proposed from the floor of an AGM
16.4. In the event of a proposal for amending the constitution being received in writing prior to the general meeting, the Secretary shall inform the membership of the proposed motions no less than 3 (three) days before the meeting.
16.5. Any alteration to the constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of members present and voting.
16.6. In the event of any question or matter arising, which is not provided for in the constitution, the Executive Committee shall deal with such question or matter. Provided decisions are reasonable and made in good faith and fair dealing, the decisions of the Executive Committee shall be final.
17. Declaration
17.1. This constitution shall replace any previous constitution which was adopted by the Club, and shall be posted on the Club’s website.
17.2. This constitution was adopted by the Club’s Executive Committee officers on 3 May 2017 and comes into effect on that date, and shall be subject to ratification at future AGMs.
Player’s Code of Conduct:
Play by the Rules of the Game.
Train hard, have fun, play to win, and play fair by keeping within the spirit of the game.
Arrive at practices or games on time and ready to start, tell your coaches or managers if you cannot attend a practice or game.
Be a good sport; recognise all good play, both by your team and your opponents.
During games, stay involved with your team if you are on the substitutes bench.
Teamwork when carrying equipment before and after practices and games is essential, everyone pitches in.
Be supportive even in the face of adversity, everyone should be trying hard but everyone will make errors along the way.
Don’t argue with umpires, they’re also human, please tell your manager and let them handle it with the umpire.
Control your temper, never throw equipment, and use your energies for playing better Baseball.
Co-operate with your coach, team mates and opponents, for without these volunteers you will not have a game.
Oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.
Should you experience an instance of bullying or actions from another member/player/coach that could be considered as potential bullying, please consult your team manager – should this step not be appropriate, please consult with a member of the Club’s Executive Committee, where your comments will be investigated sympathetically.
Coach’s and Manager’s Code of Conduct:
Coach by the Rules of the Game.
Treat all players as you yourself would like to be treated.
Train hard, have fun, play to win, and play fair by keeping within the spirit of the game.
A clear match day selection policy should be agreed with club officers prior to the season, and this can be reviewed during the season.
The coach should ensure the team knows the general strategy going into a game or doubleheader.
Be a good sport; recognise all good play, both by your team and your opponents.
Be supportive even in the face of adversity, everyone should be trying hard but everyone will make errors along the way.
Use discretion on coaching or commenting on play during an inning, ideally wait until changeovers of play.
Don’t argue with umpires but you may request clarification of calls, discuss the situation within the rules, and support your players wherever possible.
Co-operate with your team, opponents, and umpires, for without these volunteers you will not have a game.
Oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.
In an instance where bullying, or actions which could be construed as bullying, is observed or where a complaint is made in regards to bullying the coach is to ensure they report this to the Executive Committee. Where an action needs to be taken during a game or practice, they should ensure they seek the assistance of another Coach or Team Manager before any action is considered.
Remember that the aims of the game are to have fun, improve your skills, and feel good about being a part of a Team.
If you have any concerns, speak to one of the Club officers.